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At Stan's House in Desoto, Texas #1

Stan Milam had his first, early-year, guitar get-together that was enjoyed by quite of few people.  Ken Cashion came over from Picayune, MS for a couple of nights.  Folks brought food, instruments, and good spirits to Stan's nice house.

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       #1 ------ Stan has a nice place with a good deck and that is where people can congregate.   My old pal, the Silvertone, has been all over the world with me so it was comfortable visiting Stan.



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#2 ------ I am just posing for Stan on his new deck.  It was a nice sunny, but cool day.

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#3 ------ I am enjoying Stan's Harmony archtop, only it wasn't Stan's just yet.  Mint condition and nice to play.  Steam-bent, non-ply birch top and back.  Someone is enjoying a Lazy Magnolia, Pecan Nut Brown Ale from Brett Favre's home town of Kiln, Mississippi.   Clare Bjorkman is listening.

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#4 ------ I must have gotten to the punch line of the story and Clare and John Bjorkman thought it funny. 

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#5 ------ Lady friend of Robert Harding (to the left)  was the owner of the Harmony archtop, and here, Bill Zombeck is giving it a test drive.

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#6 ------ John is straining his wrist to play the Silvertone...he is used to Taylors...and Stan is playing a mandolin on steroids.

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#7 ------ Tom Risner is playing a real mandolin while Linda Zombeck prettily listens.

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#8 ------ Lady friend and Robert Harding enjoy the sun and fun.


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#9 ------ Raf Seibert does one of his songs in the evening song circle.

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#9 ------ And the songs rotate around to Tom and John.

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#10 ------ Visiting friends play and sing in the song circle. 1937.

wpeDEC.jpg (28758 bytes)  #11 ------ It was nice hearing a new guitar sound and a new voice.

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#12 ------ There seems to be no end of the musical instruments that Tom Risner walks in with.


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#13 ------ And the music plays on.  People were stepping out in to the kitchen to load up on good food and still be able to hear the music.  Sue Seibert sitting seems to have mellowed out on the food and the music.


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#14 ------ Cathy Horsey is in the bedroom trying to remember how to play left-handed.

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#15 ------ Norma Lewis is one of our most faithful listeners of the whole group.

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#16 ------ People were coming and going this case it is hard to tell if she is coming...or going.


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#17 ------ John is providing the halo for Saint Don, of  Lewis.  Don is our other constant clack.

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#18 ------ I do not know what was said to Clare Bjorkman but it must have been Tom Risner who said it!

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#19 ------ And the song circle rotates back around to Raf.

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#20 ------ I seem to always find the soft seat in the house.  I think it is a preference of Age.   Robert is playing after me.  We like to sit together because we know we will not be stealing each other's material.

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#21 ------ Stan's good friend and master musician, Gary Low, came in to give Tom some competition on hats.



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#22 ------ Sue is listening to Raf, I bet, as is another visitor.

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#23 ------ I guess she was coming because she is still here...and here explaining to Bill Zombeck.




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#24 ------ Stan was clever enough to protect his newly refinished floors from all the scuffing from case hinges and clasps.t

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#25 ------ Marci Harnden was there!



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#26 ------ Music is where you find it. And John and Cathy found it.


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#27 ------ Everyone seemed to go to this spot to make phone calls.  It could be that that was the quietist place in the house.       













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#28 ------ Robert plays and lady friend listens.









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#29 ------ And Sam Harnden plays the harmonica really well on "Goin' To Kansas City."











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#30 ------ And we even had some nice fiddle music!











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#31 ------ Sam and Bill "Goin' To Kansas City."


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#32 ------ Ton and his pretty mandolin.

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#33 ------ Gary doing his "Happy Song."

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#34 ------ Stan and Gary are friends and play together often so they sound good together.

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#34 ------ I was not howling.  And I was not yodeling.   I was singing...allegedly.  Probably some song by Whitey Shafer about cheatin' women.


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#35 ------ As more familiar songs are being done, more join in...the circle evolves into a jam session.


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