American's Travel Journal of Britain:
Miles in the Left Lane (Soft Cover & eBook)

This book is the result of what two
Americans wrote in their journals each night during five long trips to Britain over a
ten-year period. In some cases, they recorded only where they were, but in other
cases there are insights about the things that make Britain unique. Often they
described the day's events in such detail that it presents an accurate history of Britain
during that decade: 1982, 1984, 1986, 1989, and 1992.
The people who are familiar with Britain today will find their
notes amusing, maybe even nostalgic, yet the honesty of their observations qualify their
efforts. The trips provided insight and understanding of the historical detail in
the fabric of the island.
This research was in preparation for future writings; writings
which became a three-part college history course that the author later taught for eight
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