The curious reader will enjoy each story, and the less familiar the reader is with
the storys subject, the more the reader should enjoy the story. Each story is well
researched with a few surprising revelations.
These stories
have been divided into four sections:
I contains stories of events in the authors life, but they are made
entertaining by the interesting people that he knew personally a woman who married
based on IQ, a man who expected to die but became scared when he thought he might not.
II has stories that the author thought interesting at a cursory level but after
his research he found there was much more to be told a business associate
deliberately driven insane, and misconceptions about living in earlier times.
III is a collection of observations and how disparate events affected other
people in some cases in the past, in other cases in the future such as the
public viewing of a drowning, measuring modesty, and why robots are digital; humans are
IV outlines the complications of social networking and the twists and turns of
relationships. These stories involve subjects from the first pin-up girl and the general
performing arts, to bank robbery and murder.