From First Humans to the
Creation of Great Britain
(Soft Cover & eBook)

This book is for the most part a
narrative written for the ease of understanding, and the comprehension of how many
historical events occurred in a chronological sequence.
The story starts in 500,000 BC with the oldest currently known
human bone/artifact found in Britain. There are sections on anthropology and
archaeological procedures so the reader will have an overall understanding of
circumstances occurring in what is generally referred to as "prehistory."
The story is ended in the early 1700s AD when "Great
Britain" came to mean a unified England, Wales, and Scotland.
Many types of people are studied; not just the entitled,
but also those at the lowest levels of society how they lived, what they ate and how it
was prepared, and their social constraints. Much of this story is uniquely Britain-based:
however, there were still many parallels occurring in Western Europe.
This history of the people in Britain was
researched and compiled over a four-decade period which included five field trips to
Britain in 1982, 1984, 1986, 1989, and 1992. These trips lasted from a month to six weeks
each. During this time various historical sites were visited in the 23,000 miles of
driving. Considerable literary searches were also occurring at this time.
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